Pull up a seat...
You're probably reading this right now wondering if you are in the right place. It can all be so overwhelming!
Maybe you've been stressed and aren't sure what to do about it. You have been the one that everyone runs to, but don't feel you have a safe place to address your own concerns. Perhaps you're juggling so many balls that you don't know whether you are coming or going. And to top it all off, you have been hesitant to reach out because you are afraid that people will think you are "crazy", overreacting, or that they will all out dismiss your feelings. You may be questioning if therapy is even right for you. If you're ready to be heard, understood and helped, then pull up a seat, because you indeed are in the right place!
Impact 4 Change was created for you! This is a place where you can connect with culturally diverse clinicians who welcome your authentic self and help you navigate through what brings you.